Art Starts
Dear E-news subscribers:
Welcome to the March 27, 2018 edition of Art Starts
Upcoming NHSCA Grant Deadlines:
April 6: Artist in Residence Grants
April 13: Youth Arts Project Grants
May 4: Arts Education Artist Roster
May 18: Arts in Health Project Grants
2018 Arts Surveys
The surveys will be closing soon! Please help us with our strategic planning process by completing a brief survey.
NH Department of Education Grant: Deadline April 13
Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants for Personalized Learning and Competency Based Education
These grants can be used for a wide variety of purposes, including providing a well-rounded education through the arts, student health and wellness, and effective use of technology
Upcoming NEFA Grant Deadlines:
April 2: New England States Touring (NEST) Grant
April 20: National Dance Project Presentation Grant
Rolling Deadlines: National Theater Project Presentation Grant
National Theater Project Presenter Travel Grant